By contributing to The Hunger Project you are investing in humanity and working with others around the globe to bring about the end of hunger. Take advantage of a remarkable opportunity to help break the cycle of poverty, hunger and aid-dependence by empowering women and men in their own communities to become self reliant.
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About The Hunger Project

The Hunger Project is a global organisation that has been working to solve hunger and poverty in remote communities across Africa, India, Bangladesh and Latin America for over forty years. Unlike many conventional aid models, we do this through innovative and proven in-country programs that empower communities to become self-reliant by giving them the skills, knowledge and resources they need break to the poverty cycle themselves. We identify and build community leaders, then enable them to unite and transform their village through education, agriculture, health and microfinancing. This allows them to create a hunger-free future we’re no longer needed for.

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

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