My Game Changer Journey
In May 2020, I will be embarking on the Decjuba Game Changer Journey. This journey will see me travel to Uganda with The Hunger Project organisation and a small select group of Decjuba team leaders.
Whilst over there, we will be visiting villages learning more about The Hunger Project’s approach to ending world hunger and truly understanding the powerful impact Decjuba and THP’s partnership will have on the community.
As part of my journey I have committed to raising $5,000 for The Hunger Project!!
The Hunger Project is driven to end hunger and poverty by empowering people in third world countries. They shift mindsets of communities, transforming them into leaders for the sustainable end of hunger. Then, through their programs such as education, Microfinance, agriculture and health, they empower people with the skills, knowledge and resources needed to break the poverty cycle themselves.
I am so passionate about the work The Hunger Project is doing and so incredibly honoured to be a part of a process that helps empower women to create a positive change. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and hope you can support my journey and my commitment and donate what you can. Xx
Thank you to my Sponsors

Granny & Grandpa

Jane Smith
Great thing you’re doing hope you get heaps of support. All the best on your jorney

Kellie Woods
Tash you absolute legend 🖤wishing you the most amazing experience Xx

Raffle Ticket Proceeds

Movie Night Proceeds


Raffle Ticket Proceeds

Scratchie Winnings

Mel Marlborough
All the best Tash, so proud of you. Enjoy this amazing experience in life, all the best in achieving your goal lovely. Xx

Tori Rowden
Incredibly proud of you Tash and excited to support you on this amazing journey xx

Vince Femia
Well done on achieving your goal!

Tiffany & Glen

Samantha Silla
What an amazing life experience for a wonderful project.


Rose Chinotto
Good luck Tash

Goss Family
Best of luck. The Goss Family x

Simon Belinda Magnaterra

Olesia Kon-yu


Debbie Nowak

Nicole Scully
Wishing you all the best on your amazing journey Love you

Carol And Roy Bovenkerk

Aimee Silla
Good luck Tash xx 🧡❤

Kellie Woods
Movie tickets x2

Vicki Lulich
What an amazing opportunity, so excited for you Tash, congratulations xx

John & Leonie Storey

Chloe Mccartney
Movie Night xxx
